浏览网页的时候突然看到一篇介绍关于source insight中文显示修正的方法,感觉非常好,也比较全面,于是在自己的source insight中又重新设置了一下。
1、首先设置中文的显示,使中文能像英文或中文在vc中的显示一样比较紧凑,便于浏览,不过在进行实际的设置前说先要做一下说明:在代码中使用中文较多的主要有两个地方一个是函数或语句前的“/**/“注释,另一个就是语句右面的“//”注释。因此为了尽量的减少对配置的修改,我们只需要对这两处稍作修改就行了:”/**/“修改(把文字改为中文字体,斜体关掉),选项-->样式属性:”//“修改(把字体选为中文,斜体关闭),选项-->样式属性:基本上来说,修改了这两处后我们所使用的中文就可以正常显示了,如果那里还存在问题,基本上都可以同样的方式进行修改。不过做到这里只是能是中文正常显示了,但是左移光标、右移光标、左选一个字、右选一个字、回退和删除等却只能对汉字进行半个字的操作,因此还需要进一步处理,使之操作类似如下:a、打开base项目中的utils.em文件,添加如下代码:/*======================================================================1、BackSpace后退键======================================================================*/macro SuperBackspace(){ hwnd = GetCurrentWnd(); hbuf = GetCurrentBuf(); if (hbuf == 0) stop; // empty buffer // get current cursor postion ipos = GetWndSelIchFirst(hwnd); // get current line number ln = GetBufLnCur(hbuf); if ((GetBufSelText(hbuf) != "") || (GetWndSelLnFirst(hwnd) != GetWndSelLnLast(hwnd))) { // sth. was selected, del selection SetBufSelText(hbuf, " "); // stupid & buggy sourceinsight // del the " " SuperBackspace(1); stop; } // copy current line text = GetBufLine(hbuf, ln); // get string length len = strlen(text); // if the cursor is at the start of line, combine with prev line if (ipos == 0 || len == 0) { if (ln <= 0) stop; // top of file ln = ln - 1; // do not use "ln--" for compatibility with older versions prevline = GetBufLine(hbuf, ln); prevlen = strlen(prevline); // combine two lines text = cat(prevline, text); // del two lines DelBufLine(hbuf, ln); DelBufLine(hbuf, ln); // insert the combined one InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, text); // set the cursor position SetBufIns(hbuf, ln, prevlen); stop; } num = 1; // del one char if (ipos >= 1) { // process Chinese character i = ipos; count = 0; while (AsciiFromChar(text[i - 1]) >= 160) { i = i - 1; count = count + 1; if (i == 0) break; } if (count > 0) { // I think it might be a two-byte character num = 2; // This idiot does not support mod and bitwise operators if ((count / 2 * 2 != count) && (ipos < len)) ipos = ipos + 1; // adjust cursor position } } // keeping safe if (ipos - num < 0) num = ipos; // del char(s) text = cat(strmid(text, 0, ipos - num), strmid(text, ipos, len)); DelBufLine(hbuf, ln); InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, text); SetBufIns(hbuf, ln, ipos - num); stop;}/*======================================================================2、删除键——SuperDelete.em======================================================================*/macro SuperDelete(){ hwnd = GetCurrentWnd(); hbuf = GetCurrentBuf(); if (hbuf == 0) stop; // empty buffer // get current cursor postion ipos = GetWndSelIchFirst(hwnd); // get current line number ln = GetBufLnCur(hbuf); if ((GetBufSelText(hbuf) != "") || (GetWndSelLnFirst(hwnd) != GetWndSelLnLast(hwnd))) { // sth. was selected, del selection SetBufSelText(hbuf, " "); // stupid & buggy sourceinsight // del the " " SuperDelete(1); stop; } // copy current line text = GetBufLine(hbuf, ln); // get string length len = strlen(text); if (ipos == len || len == 0) {totalLn = GetBufLineCount (hbuf);lastText = GetBufLine(hBuf, totalLn-1);lastLen = strlen(lastText); if (ipos == lastLen)// end of file stop; ln = ln + 1; // do not use "ln--" for compatibility with older versions nextline = GetBufLine(hbuf, ln); nextlen = strlen(nextline); // combine two lines text = cat(text, nextline); // del two lines DelBufLine(hbuf, ln-1); DelBufLine(hbuf, ln-1); // insert the combined one InsBufLine(hbuf, ln-1, text); // set the cursor position SetBufIns(hbuf, ln-1, len); stop; } num = 1; // del one char if (ipos > 0) { // process Chinese character i = ipos; count = 0; while (AsciiFromChar(text[i-1]) >= 160) { i = i - 1; count = count + 1; if (i == 0) break; } if (count > 0) { // I think it might be a two-byte character num = 2; // This idiot does not support mod and bitwise operators if (((count / 2 * 2 != count) || count == 0) && (ipos < len-1)) ipos = ipos + 1; // adjust cursor position }// keeping safeif (ipos - num < 0) num = ipos; } else {i = ipos;count = 0;while(AsciiFromChar(text) >= 160) { i = i + 1; count = count + 1; if(i == len-1) break;}if(count > 0) { num = 2;} } text = cat(strmid(text, 0, ipos), strmid(text, ipos+num, len)); DelBufLine(hbuf, ln); InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, text); SetBufIns(hbuf, ln, ipos); stop;}/*======================================================================3、左移键——SuperCursorLeft.em======================================================================*/macro IsComplexCharacter(){hwnd = GetCurrentWnd();hbuf = GetCurrentBuf();if (hbuf == 0) return 0;//当前位置pos = GetWndSelIchFirst(hwnd);//当前行数ln = GetBufLnCur(hbuf);//得到当前行text = GetBufLine(hbuf, ln);//得到当前行长度len = strlen(text);//从头计算汉字字符的个数if(pos > 0){ i=pos; count=0; while(AsciiFromChar(text[i-1]) >= 160) { i = i - 1; count = count+1; if(i == 0) break; } if((count/2)*2==count|| count==0) return 0; else return 1;}return 0;}macro moveleft(){hwnd = GetCurrentWnd();hbuf = GetCurrentBuf();if (hbuf == 0) stop; // empty buffer ln = GetBufLnCur(hbuf);ipos = GetWndSelIchFirst(hwnd);if(GetBufSelText(hbuf) != "" || (ipos == 0 && ln == 0)) // 第0行或者是选中文字,则不移动{ SetBufIns(hbuf, ln, ipos); stop;}if(ipos == 0){ preLine = GetBufLine(hbuf, ln-1); SetBufIns(hBuf, ln-1, strlen(preLine)-1);}else{ SetBufIns(hBuf, ln, ipos-1);}}macro SuperCursorLeft(){moveleft();if(IsComplexCharacter()) moveleft();}/*======================================================================4、右移键——SuperCursorRight.em======================================================================*/macro moveRight(){hwnd = GetCurrentWnd();hbuf = GetCurrentBuf();if (hbuf == 0) stop; // empty bufferln = GetBufLnCur(hbuf);ipos = GetWndSelIchFirst(hwnd);totalLn = GetBufLineCount(hbuf);text = GetBufLine(hbuf, ln); if(GetBufSelText(hbuf) != "") //选中文字{ ipos = GetWndSelIchLim(hwnd); ln = GetWndSelLnLast(hwnd); SetBufIns(hbuf, ln, ipos); stop;}if(ipos == strlen(text)-1 && ln == totalLn-1) // 末行 stop; if(ipos == strlen(text)){ SetBufIns(hBuf, ln+1, 0);}else{ SetBufIns(hBuf, ln, ipos+1);}}macro SuperCursorRight(){moveRight();if(IsComplexCharacter()) // defined in SuperCursorLeft.em moveRight();}/*======================================================================5、shift+右移键——ShiftCursorRight.em======================================================================*/macro IsShiftRightComplexCharacter(){hwnd = GetCurrentWnd();hbuf = GetCurrentBuf();if (hbuf == 0) return 0;selRec = GetWndSel(hwnd);pos = selRec.ichLim;ln = selRec.lnLast;text = GetBufLine(hbuf, ln);len = strlen(text);if(len == 0 || len < pos)return 1;//Msg("@len@;@pos@;");if(pos > 0){ i=pos; count=0; while(AsciiFromChar(text[i-1]) >= 160) { i = i - 1; count = count+1; if(i == 0) break; } if((count/2)*2==count|| count==0) return 0; else return 1;}return 0;}macro shiftMoveRight(){hwnd = GetCurrentWnd();hbuf = GetCurrentBuf();if (hbuf == 0) stop; ln = GetBufLnCur(hbuf);ipos = GetWndSelIchFirst(hwnd);totalLn = GetBufLineCount(hbuf);text = GetBufLine(hbuf, ln); selRec = GetWndSel(hwnd); curLen = GetBufLineLength(hbuf, selRec.lnLast);if(selRec.ichLim == curLen+1 || curLen == 0){ if(selRec.lnLast == totalLn -1) stop; selRec.lnLast = selRec.lnLast + 1; selRec.ichLim = 1; SetWndSel(hwnd, selRec); if(IsShiftRightComplexCharacter()) shiftMoveRight(); stop;}selRec.ichLim = selRec.ichLim+1;SetWndSel(hwnd, selRec);}macro SuperShiftCursorRight(){ if(IsComplexCharacter()) SuperCursorRight();shiftMoveRight();if(IsShiftRightComplexCharacter()) shiftMoveRight();}/*======================================================================6、shift+左移键——ShiftCursorLeft.em======================================================================*/macro IsShiftLeftComplexCharacter(){hwnd = GetCurrentWnd();hbuf = GetCurrentBuf();if (hbuf == 0) return 0;selRec = GetWndSel(hwnd);pos = selRec.ichFirst;ln = selRec.lnFirst;text = GetBufLine(hbuf, ln);len = strlen(text);if(len == 0 || len < pos) return 1;//Msg("@len@;@pos@;");if(pos > 0){ i=pos; count=0; while(AsciiFromChar(text[i-1]) >= 160) { i = i - 1; count = count+1; if(i == 0) break; } if((count/2)*2==count|| count==0) return 0; else return 1;}return 0;}macro shiftMoveLeft(){hwnd = GetCurrentWnd();hbuf = GetCurrentBuf();if (hbuf == 0) stop; ln = GetBufLnCur(hbuf);ipos = GetWndSelIchFirst(hwnd);totalLn = GetBufLineCount(hbuf);text = GetBufLine(hbuf, ln); selRec = GetWndSel(hwnd); //curLen = GetBufLineLength(hbuf, selRec.lnFirst);//Msg("@curLen@;@selRec@");if(selRec.ichFirst == 0){ if(selRec.lnFirst == 0) stop; selRec.lnFirst = selRec.lnFirst - 1; selRec.ichFirst = GetBufLineLength(hbuf, selRec.lnFirst)-1; SetWndSel(hwnd, selRec); if(IsShiftLeftComplexCharacter()) shiftMoveLeft(); stop;}selRec.ichFirst = selRec.ichFirst-1;SetWndSel(hwnd, selRec);}macro SuperShiftCursorLeft(){if(IsComplexCharacter()) SuperCursorLeft();shiftMoveLeft();if(IsShiftLeftComplexCharacter()) shiftMoveLeft();}/*---END---*/
保存后,打开选项-->键分配,将新添加的宏依次与相应按键绑定,需要绑定的宏如下: Marco: SuperBackspace绑定到BackSpace键; Marco: SuperCursorLeft绑定到<-键, Marco: SuperCursorRight绑定到->键, Marco: SuperShiftCursorLeft绑定到Shift+<-, Macro: SuperShiftCursorRight绑定到shift+->, Macro: SuperDelete绑定到del。过程结束后重新打开source insight打开新的项目,就可以对里面的中文进行正常的操作了。